
Last update: 20th May 2024

I don’t know what I’m going to write in here haha. But, here we go, just some facts about me. Also this page is inspired by Gading.

This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.

⛅️ Activities

  • Still working with Odoo, as Odoo Developer
  • Also learning Go, concurrent programming, monitoring and metrics. And still figuring out how USB-HID and serial connection works 🥲
  • I have some interests in embedded programming like Arduino, ESP, STM32, Raspi. Currently working on my own pedal controller for my DIY Steering Wheel, to allow calibration and set some threshold for my load cell pedal
  • As for the gaming, I play some racing games like with my DIY steering wheel powered by OpenFFBoard, and some casual RPG on my Switch. Still trying to complete Zelda BoTW and ToTK for now 🙃.

💡 Technology that I’m using right now

  • Go for CLI app or some simple web service.
  • Python for quick experiment and Odoo-related things.
  • Vue3, and TailwindCSS for styling and frontend things.
  • Wails to create desktop app (though, i really need to learn native things like SwiftUI, GTK and QT).
  • And so-on that i can’t remember i have been use them.

⚒️ Code environment

  • Operating system: macOS Sonoma and Fedora
  • Code editor: VSCode and Neovim with NvChad
  • Others: Obsidian, Tailscale, OrbStack, HTTPie

You can also find my dotfiles here. My goal with dotfiles is to make it applicable with only 1 command and automate whole setup thing, but for now, it’s enough.

I think that’s it? if you want to reach me, i have Telegram with the same username as my github account!
